my mother's senior picture. raised in a very affluent family, a ballerina, well educated, well traveled, cultured, chic, and beautiful.

my dad was a massively intelligent band nerd. he raised his 4 brothers and sisters in poverty because my grandmother was too busy worrying with her 8 marriages (before my dad turned 18!) to have time for her kids.
i have no clue how they got together. i can't imagine they had a moment where they found something of a kindred spirit in each other and decided to marry. but they must have, and stayed together for 18 years. i guess i can see that my mom was moved by my dad's hardship, but she had no idea the strength of the personality she was dealing with. i can see that my dad was dazzled by my mom's beauty and in awe of her privileged lifestyle, but he had no idea that it was all skin deep.

they had me. i love them and thank them for giving me the tools i needed to break the paradigm.
Oh my GOODNESS...G you were a <3 goldie locks baby!!!!!, and your mom was total hotness!!!
i was actually blonde until the day i discovered my good friend, hair dye. i let it grow out without coloring it a few years back and the natural color of it now is a bland shade of neutral!