here are some random things, cause i feel random.
-i've lost 30 pounds! i'm really into the detox and health aspect of this thing now. normally i diet until i'm not disgusted with myself (which is where i am now) but this time is different. this time is for fitness. i'm aiming for optimal health of body and mind. Sunday i received quite the heady compliment...'you look so much younger!'...which i daresay has stoked my fires.
-Daylon is becoming kinda cool. i can't believe i said it, and don't tell him, but there it is. for example, the other night my neighbor (see previous entry, pardon me while i burst into flames) had a drunk husband arrive home from work. she is trying to stop drinking and in a jealous rage, provoked her husband until he was hollering and being a general ass. she got scared and ran out of her house with the baby screaming for help (eye roll extraordinaire) and brought all the drama to my house. after the situation had calmed down and she went home, Daylon said, 'man, i think they need to watch Fireproof again!' among other things, it gave me hope that i'm rubbing off on him in positive ways. ;}
-soccer season is on! Asher scored 5 goals this weekend (which he was disappointed with, he really wanted 6). there was an Irish grandmother on the other team and after she determined Asher was mine, she said in a thick Irish brogue, 'Ach! he's a little bruiser!' which just tickled me. Daylon played even though he had the flu...and managed to score! my dad gave me crap about letting him play sick, but i assured him that we value a warrior mentality over coddled sickbed crap. ha! i was really proud of Daylon's team, they were down 4-0 at the half and came back top win it 6-4! there are some really good kids on his team which is pretty surprising to me out here in the land of plenty.
-i'm getting Galilee off soymilk thanks to the fear mongering on the OR board ;} and i tricked her in to drinking goatsmilk this morning...she liked it!
-we went to Washington on the Brazos this Sunday for Bryan's birthday. Texas is so damn awesome. the bluebonnets were getting started and it was just really lovely. i always fantasize about moving to somewhere beautiful like Utah, but when it comes down to it i just regret that the economy of Houston ties us to this place. i couldn't live anywhere else. i think i'll give up on Utah and the Faroe Islands and set my sights on the Texas Hill Country. everyone knows the cows think Brenham is heaven, and i'm inclined to agree.
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