Thursday, January 22, 2009


it's so exceptionally spring-ish outside that i'm having to restrain myself from trimming the crepe myrtles, pruning back the rose buses, feeding the lawn, and planting the strawberries (yes, i am a glutton for caterpillars and disappointment). somehow i know that i'm jumping the gun by at least two weeks. i always look forward to the cooler part of the year, but i tire of it very quickly.

yesterday, Bryan got home at a decent time so i let him stay with the kids while i went to the Y to workout. i was in the gym for about an hour and a half, then i walked the 1/2 mile track a couple of times. i was the only one out on the track and it was lovely. i daresay there are few things better in life than a walk in silence...

...and i had a thought. during the walk i was completely in tune with the rhythms of my body; my feet hitting the ground, my breath, and my muscles collaborating to move me. it was surreal, it was happening completely out of time with the modern world.

what was the rhythm of life when transportation was on foot or by horse? what is the rhythm of life now? how do these changes change us? feeling and controlling the operation of your body in meditative silence is awareness and mindfulness; riding in a vibrating capsule with music, phone, and (gods forbid!) sometimes tv is numbness and detachment from the self, not to mention one's surroundings. how do these things change our fiber? are we not energy, attuned to vibration and rhythm?

it was a good walk.