Hooray! it's my very first hex! it's almost as though the art were designed with me in mind...all the compasses, protractors, and rulers! using a compass to bisect an arc just really does it for me. in my past life (you know, my working incarnation ;) i was a draftsman. i've never been able to draw but i'm quite proficient at geometry so imagine my pleasant surprise when i discovered that drafting uses geometry to make anyone draw! Symmetry is an obsession of mine, i really think i've found my niche. it's an excellent meditation for me.
this one was just for practice, when i get good they'll be done on wooden discs and painted instead of watercolor-penciled. i've yet to determine where one procures 12 to 18 inch wooden discs though. the book says to use a particular saw on plywood...which isn't happening. i'm fully saw-phobic.
anyway, tomorrow is Daylon's first soccer practice this season so my break from chauffeuring is officially over. which is fine, i guess.
Bitchin!!!!! Ahem.. cough.. cough.. ahem...Someone you ahem know loves these things... so if ooh i dunno you felt uber inspired you could maybe make this someone one :))
i really want to make everyone one for Yule. it'll be interesting to see how my dad reacts when i tell him what it is!