Thursday, February 26, 2009

greetings from the sick house

for the second time in as many months, we've got a four-pack of infected ears and a two-pack of streppy throats. why, oh why are my kids always sick during our brokest time of year?

i'd like to take a moment with the nice ladies at the YMCA who are so in need of a workout that that continually bring their strep-infested kids into the child care room: you are evil, and it doesn't matter if you're fit when your soul's so ugly.

it's funny that i feel like i'm generating good Wyrd by keeping my kids out of the Y's child care room when they're sick. surely the gods'll grant my kids with a strep immunity due to the fact that i've been so thoughtful of other innocent kids, right? if not, i'm bound to inspect every kid in the room with my strep-flashlight before leaving my kids in there and i can imagine some Claire's getting their panties in a wad about that...

(by the way, a 'Claire' is a type-A suburban supermom)

in other news, i'm getting pretty pumped about my yoga/meditation routine. i've done yoga on and off for 3 years now, but i've finally had a breakthrough.

growing up, my dad was quite the yoga guru. 3 or 4 nights a week he would do at least an hour of yoga and he was good. he could do asanas that i don't even aspire to try. he would listen to Santana, the Moody Blues, or Mahavishnu (yes, you read that right!) and he could totally tune out the outside world and do his thing.

so, i've been using DVD's all this time in my practice. lately i've been reading more books about developing your own practice and this week i discovered this:
and things have fallen into place. my balance is better, my asanas are deeper, and my focus is sharp.

at this rate, i should be enlightened by next week.


  1. Spray your house and make sure all those nasty germs and bugs are banished! Here's my spray formula:
    1 cup water
    1 cup alcohol (rubbing alcohol)
    1 to 2 tablespoons of Lavender Essential Oil

    Get an old Febreeze bottle or any spray bottle that will do a *misty* spray. Pour in the water, alcohol and oil.
    Shake well.
    Mist down bed linens, door knobs, curtains, bathrooms, everything! I even mist the air in rooms where people have been sick.
    We played *round robin* with the flu here at the rooming house until I started spraying everything down. That spray stopped it in it's tracks!
    I got the formula from an online friend that is a nurse in England. They have found that lavender works just as well, if not better than, most of the *hospital germicidal* sprays. It seems to work better on those nasty streph and staph nasties with the bonus that it smells terrific!

  2. I call them "Coral sweater sets" = "Claire's", life has shown me they have plastic smiles that say "I really dont like you simply because I am better(spend more) than you!"

