Sunday, May 17, 2009


i'm a late riser. since i left the traditional workforce 6+ years ago i very rarely have the opportunity to see the sunrise, or even the dew on the grass. i'm an 8:00 kind of girl.

this weekend, Daylon had an early soccer game and i was sitting in my soccer mom chair drinking coffee at 7:30 in the morning.

the early games are nice, there are very few people there and it's a time of day i don't get to enjoy often. it was a really nice morning and i just sat and soaked it up...until i realized i wasn't soaking up as much as i thought i should be.

there were cars out on the main road, planes overhead, the freeway in the distance, and the low chaotic hum of civilisation.

the sound of the silent chaos of the universe has been obscured.

it is very easy for us to be lost in the tiny insignificant morass of our daily doldrums when we have been so effectively cut off from the simple flow of life energy.

when is the last time you felt the OM?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree Gloria. Living in London there is nowhere within easy reach where I can go and just listen to the Earth without distraction.

    Currently, I leave home at 5.30am for my early shifts, and even then it is only at weekends that there is some kind of peace. Unfortunately I have 85 miles to travel so by the time I am at my destination the noise has returned.
